The country today is so polarized; frightening would be a good word to describe it. We as a nation can no longer have reasonable discussions about real, often emotional issues thanks in part to social media (yes I notice the irony). The vitriol and vile spew is unbelievable. People are getting death threats because their opinion differs from some anonymous low-life troll...WTF?
My wife and I managed to get three kids all the way through school (#3 is still in college) without any of them being gunned down. Should I be grateful or pissed that I even had that thought?
I don't expect, or want, every law abiding citizen to forfeit their guns to a government that can't follow up on death threats posted on YouTube when reported to the FBI anymore than I want everyone on the interstate with one hand on the wheel and the other on a loaded pistol. I am disgusted that Congress--filled with the people who write this nation's laws--has to take training classes so they know what sexual harassment is and how to prevent it.
I don't expect, or want, every law abiding citizen to forfeit their guns to a government that can't follow up on death threats posted on YouTube when reported to the FBI anymore than I want everyone on the interstate with one hand on the wheel and the other on a loaded pistol. I am disgusted that Congress--filled with the people who write this nation's laws--has to take training classes so they know what sexual harassment is and how to prevent it.
I believe there is a larger force out there that keeps us divided. Regardless of your stand on gun control, name a politician in the last 20 years that did anything meaningful (grandstanding doesn't count) that made a real difference. If you discount Trump's current term, for the last 40 years, 1976 - 2016, this country was governed by a democrat president for 20 and a republican president for 20. Control of congress changes but the outcome is always the same. Politicians only care when they need your vote. Stop looking at the "D" or "R" next to their name when you're in the voting booth and start listening to what they say and--most importantly-- tracking what they do. Republicans tell you not to rush to judgement based on emotions, and Democrats demand action while posing for the cameras. Unless you are the deaf, dumb, and blind kid The Who sang about in 1969, you must realize our current strategy is not working.
Stop looking for your news on FB and start watching the news--from both sides--to get a clear picture. I mean real news, which I admit is extremely hard to find. News should be objective, not designed to sway opinion and grab ratings. Stop assuming someone who voted for Trump is a race baiting bigot and someone who voted for Clinton is a libtard. Start talking to each other and LISTENING to what they say. I for one am sick to death of a government that decides which laws they will and won't enforce but can spy on its own citizens for no legal reason with no recourse.
Our youth is taking a stand and planning a school walk out until something is done about gun violence yet we call them snowflakes. Why hasn't one senator or congressman done the same? Bring busloads of people--regular people--to DC for a show of strength and to demand action. Show your constituents the nation is watching. If you really want to impress me, bring people who can't vote for you because they aren't in your state and/or district. They are elected to represent us, they should at least listen to us.
And if you are one of those people today who are posting memes on FB about school shootings, Russian collusion, #Metoo, abortion, gun rights, big pharma, or some other emotionally charged topic, and plan on voting the same way you always have come me and the rest of America a favor and just don't. Stay home. Stop voting. You don't think, so why bother?
"Knowledge is a deadly friend if no one sets the rules
The fate of all mankind I see is in the hands of fools."
Pete Sinfield
Truer today than it was 49 years ago...
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